The team ended up arriving this morning around 1:40. We greeted them and gave them basic instructions before heading to bed. This morning I got up at 7:00 for quiet time, time to plan the day with Megan and Dale, and helping set up breakfast for the team. During breakfast, we introduced ourselves and shared about Inca Link's 5 pillars - give 110%, be here now, choose joy, challenge by choice, and love covers all.

We then headed to COVi for the morning to help them with garden work. They needed tomato trees to be dug up and wheelbarrowed over to a different location where we had to dig more holes. This was a hard project but good at the same time. The team worked really well together and we got a lot of work done. The director of COVi seemed to really appreciate our work which was awesome to see.

It was around 1:00 when we headed back to la Casablanca for lunch. After lunch the team was free to do whatever they wanted until dinner time. Some of the team members went for a walk while Dale, Megan and I did some more planning. I was then able to watch the Ecuador game with some of the team members which was a lot of fun.
Before dinner, we played a game of zoo with the team who seemed to enjoy it a lot. When we were eating, one of the team members ended up sharing a shortened version of her testimony with me. Her testimony encouraged me a lot with my walk with Christ and just made me realize the power of God's work and will.
Dinner was followed by debrief, which was lead by Gustavo tonight. The team members interacted well with the questions asked by Gustavo and overall it seemed to go fairly well. We did a little bit of cleaning up and hanging out after debrief before finally going to bed.
Today was a great day. God continues to send many forms of encouragement which are a huge blessing. Although today was great, it was also very tiring. Please be praying for energy for all of the team and the interns. Also be praying that God would be at work within this team and that they would be impacted positively through this trip.
Also, shout out to my awesome brother Ben Leaman. Happy birthday! I hope you had an awesome day celebrating!
Dios Bendiga,
Your blogs have been a huge encouragement to me in my own journey! God will continue to provide what you need. So thankful for the ways he has provided signs of His love and care already. 2 Corinthians 9:8. Amor, Papa